Ava was born and raised in the lower mainland, and grew up on her family’s magical farm, tending to the animals and trees. She would sing to her furry friends daily, just like Snow White. Ava has always loved to sing, and her mother would tell you that she sings more than she speaks. With a very strong background in vocal studies, Ava has had the privilege of starring in many musical productions, and has had wonderful opportunities in the film and television, and motion capture industries. She is represented by Lucas Talent, and is a recent graduate of the Capilano University Musical Theatre program. Ava has a passion for working alongside children, and making their dreams come true. Just like her dear friend Rapunzel, Ava’s got a dream! She hopes to touch the Broadway stage one day. Ava believes that we all must have courage, and be kind. She loves fairytales with her whole heart, and cannot wait to be a part of your magical day.